Unlocking crypto options trading

Bitfinex Derivatives and Thalex have built an integration to make it easy for Bitfinex Derivatives’ customers to access the full range of Thalex products, which includes USD₮-settled Options & Futures.

The integration is now entering public beta. If you're interested in giving it a try, please request access.

Benefit from more ways to trade
Thalex offers Futures and Options contracts collateralised with BTC, ETH, and USD₮.
Linear Options, Futures & Perpetuals
Linear Options, Futures & Perpetuals
A wide array of instruments to trade direction, term structure and volatility
Settlement in stablecoin (USD₮)
Settlement in stablecoin (USD₮)
Profit and Loss (P&L) is calculated in USD and settled in USD₮
Multi-collateral support
Multi-collateral support
Collateral is accepted in the form of USD₮, BTC or ETH in a universal account, acting as a single collateral pool for any Thalex contract.
Portfolio Margining
Portfolio Margining
Portfolio-based margin calculation across futures & options, providing capital efficiency for delta or vega offsetting positions.
Trading fees anchored at 1 bps (maker & taker)
Trading fees anchored at 1 bps (maker & taker)
Trading fees are anchored at approximately 1bps. Combinations can provide an embedded fee reduction.
BTC & ETH as underlying
BTC & ETH as underlying
Providing tradable combinations and collateral support for the most liquid cryptocurrencies. Carry trades are facilitated by accepting underlyings as collateral.
Rolls are natively integrated (Future Rolls & RFQs)
Rolls are natively integrated (Future Rolls & RFQs)
Tradeable Future Rolls with implied matching, RFQs for any combination in any size.
Thalex Product Overview

Thalex Perpetuals offer simple, transparent funding rates without dampers or caps.

Funding is continuously reflected in P&L.


Thalex offers futures with daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly expiries.

Every option expiry has a corresponding future expiry to facilitate delta-hedging.

Thalex offers European, linear, USD₮-settled options with daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly expiries.
Future Rolls
Future Rolls

"Futures Rolls" are instruments to simultaneously buy and sell a Perpetual and Future or two Futures with the same underlying asset.

A Futures Roll can be used to roll a Future to a later maturity or can provide relative pricing for the difference in cost of carry between Perpetuals and/or Futures.

Learn more about the Thalex Derivatives Products here.

Bitfinex Derivatives is provided by iFinex Financial Technologies Limited.

This webpage is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase any financial products. Thalex is a Third-Party Service as described in the derivatives terms of service available here https://www.bitfinex.com/legal/derivative/terms.

The summary description of the products available from Thalex is provided for convenience purposes only. Thalex’s products are more particularly described on Thalex’s website found at https://www.thalex.com/. If there are any differences between the description on this website and Thalex’s description on Thalex’s website, the description on Thalex’s website will govern. Please read Thalex’s description carefully to ensure you understand Thalex’s products. Any summary information regarding the above-referenced products on this webpage is provided for convenience purposes only and may not be relied upon. Please ensure you conduct your own research regarding these products.